Svelte Adapter Firebase
SvelteKit adapter for Firebase Hosting rewrites to Cloud Functions for a Svel…
Firebase Gcp Examples
🔥 Firebase app architectures, languages, tools & some GCP things! React w Nex…
Astro Firebase Svelte Tailwind Starter
A minimal and accessible template for getting started with Firebase, Tailwind…
Svelte Firebase Auth Xstate Example
Example of how to use XState and Svelte with Firebase authentication
Sveltekit Firebase Auth Example
Discover how to easily implement Firebase Authentication with SvelteKit!
Sapper Firebase Typescript Graphql Tailwindcss Actions Template
A template that includes Sapper for Svelte, Firebase functions and hosting, T…
Building An Application With Svelte And Firebase 3215348
This repo is for the Linkedin Learning course: Building an Application with S…
Svelte Local Firebase Emulator Setup
Example setup code for local development with Firebase emulator and Snowpack
Sapper Tailwind Firebase Host
Integration of Sapper (svelte.js) with Tailwind CSS and Firebase hosting - wi…
Svelte Firekit Starter
starter template for building full-stack Svelte applications with Firebase in…
Sveltekit Firebase Auth Server Side
This repo accompanies my blog post on accessing the Firebase user in the Svel…
Svelte Sortable Firebase Todo
Simple todo and goals dashboard PWA using Svelte, Bulma, SortableJS, Firebase…
Svelte Qr Reader Writer
Svelte QR-Code Reader and QR-Code Address Generator, Firebase Hosting with Lo…