Feedback app built with Svelte
A minimalistic feedback widget. Data is stored in a Google Sheet.
The web application for Discord Tickets settings, archives, feedback, and more.
trying svelte framework
Hey Svelte ( ͡❛ ͜ʖ ͡❛)
A simple web component built with svelte, providing version introduction & gu…
as seen at
Learning Svelte
Svelte Exploration
Aplicação feita em Svelte.js
from svelte tutorial
Svelte Feedback Application
a basic feedback webpage using svelte
Svelte feedback app
Made in Svelte.
Done in svelte
Testing out svelte
This is my first svelte project.
Created a feedback UI that accepts rating and feedback description. Used Svel…
This is a basic feed application where I use Svelte to get the feel of it , i…
A feedback app built in Svelte, based on a tutorial from Brad Traversy's YouT…
Svelte - Customer Feedback app
My Svelte "Hello World"
Svelte, Vite, tutorial
Using svelte template
Feedback webapp with Svelte
Simple Svelte feedback app
A Feedback App created with Svelte to showcase Svelte main features
Learn Svelte 2021 Feedback app from
Feedback app using Svelte
FeedBack App
Svelte Training - Feedback App
basic svelte feedback app
Feedback App using Svelte
My first Svelte app
First test with Svelte
Traversy tutorial for svelte
Todo List using Svelte
Learn how to build feedback app with Svelte framework and svelte-store
This is a Svelte app to leave feedback for a product or service.
Simple feedback app using Svelte