Example Sveltekit Email Password Webauthn
Email and password example with 2FA and WebAuthn in SvelteKit
Svelte Email Tailwind
Code, preview and test-send email templates with Svelte and Tailwind classes …
Lucia Sveltekit D1 Example
email (or username) & password example with Lucia, SvelteKit and Cloudflare D1
Sveltekit Supabase Auth
Example of email and password authentication in SvelteKit with Supabase backend
Sveltekit Nodemailer Google Oauth2
Sveltekit sending emails with nodemailer and gmail (google-oauth2)
Sveltekit Prisma Luciaauth Superforms
a template to start a project complete with email//password and OAuth2 (githu…
Auth Sveltekit Mongo Realm
Authenticate with email/password using MongoDB, realm-web sdk and Sveltekit
Svelte Prisma Template
A very opinionated template I made in case I want to use Svelte + Prisma + Em…
Sveltekit Auth W Lucia Postgres Drizzle Template
This is a SvelteKit template project with the Lucia auth example "Email and p…