🦊 Ping CRM Svelte - A demo app to illustrate how Inertia.js works with Larave…
Simple spa in svelte that allow users to view and manage products, individual…
This is a boilerplate app to get started building a Zoho CRM Extension with S…
Sad unfinished project, probably learned something tho..
Svelte 3 CRM implementation
CRM para tienda de ropa
Intercom for Svelte or Vanilla JS Apps
Explicit CRM Client on Sveltekit
pingcrm-based demo user system
This is an CRM that will be built with SvelteKit as an introduction to learni…
Svelte-Kit Full Stack CRM App
A CRM interface made with Svelte, Flowbite UI kit and Tailwindcss. The aim of…
Backend API written with Svektekit and running on AWS lambda
Frontend hecho en Svelte para el proyecto final de herramientas automatizadas
InertiaJS Laravel 10 Svelte repo after upgrade PLUS Vite and DaisyUI
Frontend to handle customers
An self-hostable CRM writen in Go with a statically compiled frontend using S…
Una aplicación de demostración para ilustrar cómo [Inertia.js] (https://inert…