Creating Svelte Sapper Wp Site
This is a repository for video tutorial series about creating websites with S…
Sveltekit Graphql Github
Use Apollo Client with SvelteKit to Query a GraphQL API: we use the GitHub AP…
Svelte Postgrest Tutorial App
a tutorial app utilizing svelte-postgrest-template commented in the following…
Sveltekit Superforms Examples
Example of building form components with Superforms and Formsnap - and some U…
Parcel Svelte Monaco Editor
Showing how to bundle monaco-editor nicely with parceljs with a tiny bit of s…
Svelte Virtual List Mod
A virtual list component for Svelte apps. Instead of rendering all your data,…
Consulting And Appraisal_v4
Rewrite of the rewrite of the rewrite using Svelte 5, Tailwind 4, and Bits UI
Dummy Passengerinformationsystem Api
This is a dummy backend for a PIS app I made to try out Svelte a bit.
Strangeloop 2023 Microbit
Starter code for my Strangeloop 2023 talk. A Svelte app that communicates wit…