An open source headless CMS / real-time database. Powerful table editor, full…
Syntax, diagnostics, and other smarts for Svelte in Atom
Interactive browser visualizations for materials science: periodic tables, 3d…
Template / boilerplate for Atomic-Server CMS + Sveltekit
Lightweight, easy-to-use RSS feed => Discord service
A svelte implementation of a clicker game about atoms.
Svelte library for Atomic Data
A template made for travellers.
Project websites powered by Sveltekit + @tomic/svelte + Atomic-Server
Atom svelte
Svelte component
Svelte components
Application by svelte
Svelte Tree-sitter grammar
README files to learn and implement atomic design methodology for components-…
Svelte Components based on atomic design
Atom template using Svelte and Rollup
transpiler for sveltejs, used when creating atom plugins
Fork of tree-sitter-svelte for Atom compatibility
Placeholder description: @cfen created this with repo-genesis
Light and fast self-hosted Feed Reader
Aggregate is a content aggregation platform designed to streamline informatio…
🧪 Interactive periodic table of elements
Schwifty, a simple VS Code theme based on Atom One Dark Theme. As you will fi…