Sveltekit Integrated Websocket
First-class support for WebSockets within SvelteKit by attaching a WebSocket ā¦
Svelte Web Components Template
A base template for building a shareable web components library with Vite, Svā¦
Web Extension Svelte Boilerplate
The web extension boilerplate which helps setting up browser extension projecā¦
Svelte Typescript Webpack Starter
Svelte-Framework Starter with TypeScript, WebPack, Bootstrap, Font-Awesome, aā¦
Svelte Webcomponent Boilerplate
š Create your HTML5 Web Component with Svelte. Made your web components with ā¦
Example Sveltekit Email Password Webauthn
Email and password example with 2FA and WebAuthn in SvelteKit
Sveltekit Web Scraper
Example repo for web scraping with Sveltekit API routes, Puppeteer, and Verceā¦
Svelte Maplibre Gl
Svelte 5 wrapper for šŗ MapLibre GL JS ā Build interactive web maps effortlessā¦