Basta (aka Binary Asta) is a binary clock built using Svelte
tomato clock by svelte
An archery clock built with SvelteKit and Fluent Svelte.
An analog clock for your Svelte apps.
Svelte Analog Clock
A flip clock component for Svelte
Svelte Digital Clock
A template made for travellers.
Word clock using Svelte
Animated clock made with svg and svelte javacsript framework
Fasting app built with SvelteKit and AWS backend
Svelte binary-coded decimal clock.
Digital clock created with svelte
Simple clock built with Svelte
An analog clock in Svelte
clocks made with svelte (sapper)
A mildly offensive clock made with Svelte.js, hosted on Surge.
Clock app using Svelte and OS logo
A simple clock
Simple timezone clock in Svelte + Tailwindcss
A word clock exercise in Svelte
Displays digital time of day
My first svelte project ever. I love this thing
Digital Clock
Feature rich Chess Clock PWA in Svelte
Basic chess clock in svelte and Typescript
Basic fasting clock app made in Svelte
Created with StackBlitz ⚡️
A fun coding project to learn Svelte 5 and to create a binary clock. I a have…
Svelte + D3
Web components showing an analogue clock and a digital clock known from Svelt…
Client for the web shot clock built with Svelte
An experimental add-on to react-time-clock, using Svelte
A web application for Pomodoro clock using Svelte and TailwindCSS
A simple clock showing time for different time zones with Svelte
Svelte PSR-20 Clock implementation provider for use in unit testing.