Sveltekit Web Scraper
Example repo for web scraping with Sveltekit API routes, Puppeteer, and Verce…
Svelte Capacitor Store
A whole new svelte stores implementation that persists its values using capac…
Sveltekit S3 Multipart Upload
SvelteKit S3 Multipart Upload: how you can upload large files, such as video …
Sveltekit Eventsourced Funnel
sveltekit eventsourced funnel - demonstates how to build sveltekit app with e…
Svelte Persistent Writable
A Svelte writable store that persists data. It supports local and session sto…
Baas Caprov Hasura Svelte
Full-Stack BaaS: CapRover, SvelteKit, NodeJS Functions, Hasura, PostgreSQL, H…
Sveltekit Session Storage
SvelteKit Session Storage: how you can improve UX by temporarily caching user…
Jira Sveltekit Firebase Storage Upstash Starter
An open source alternative to Jira Kanban Board using SvelteKit, TailwindCSS,…
From the video "SvelteKit Stores Using Local Storage With Skeleton UI (Persis…