Svelte Storage

This gives you a svelte store used exactly like import { writable, readable } from 'svelte/store' that is persisted longer than your session by using store.js.


  1. Install it: npm i @parkingboss/svelte-storage
  2. Import it: import { readable, writable } from '@parkingboss/svelte-storage'.
  3. Use them.


The api was designed to be as similar to svelte/storage as possible, but using storage keys intead of functions to back the store.


readable(initial: any, storageKey: string): Readable<any>;

The signature of readable is almost the same as the signature of readable from Svelte. Unlike Svelte, however, this function just takes a string as its second parameter. It uses that key with store.js to fetch and set longer term storage for your store.

export const fromStorage = readable([], storageKey: 'app-readable');

fromStorage.subscribe(newVal => {
  console.log(newVal); // Logs `[]`

store.set('app-readable', [ 1, 2 3 ]); // Logs `[ 1, 2, 3 ]`
store.remove('app-readable'); // Logs `null`


writable(initial: any, storageKey: string): Writable<any>

The signature of writable is almost the same as the signature of writable from Svelte, except the second parameter is required, and must be a string. Under the hood this uses readable to create the subscription function and adds helpers for setting and updating (like Svelte does). This is more redundant than Svelte's writable because here you can just use store.js to update the value and readable will pick up the changes.

export const fromStorage = writable([], storageKey: 'app-writable');

fromStorage.subscribe(newVal => {
  console.log(newVal); // Logs `[]`

fromStorage.update(x => x.concat([ 1, 2 3 ])); // Logs `[ 1, 2, 3 ]`
fromStorage.set([]); // Logs `null`

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