Sveltekit integration for Square payments
Grocery delivery service build with Svelte, MongoDB, Square Payments and Netl…
multiplication square game created to expriment with Svelte
Proportional square treemaps using D3 + Svelte, showing number of mammal spec…
Hopefully an actually viable tictactoe game but in svelte this time....
Project to learn Svelte. Part of Square's Hackweek (June 6 - June 10, 2022).
A game for drawing perfect squares. Testing project for Svelte
The 15 Puzzle is a sliding puzzle which has 15 square tiles numbered 1 to 15 …
Alcohol Shop with order pickup service built with Svelte, MongoDB, New Square…
🎮 Don't Be So Square - 3D multiplayer browser game
A Svelte web app for a non-existing coffee shop, that uses the Square API for…