Sveltekit integration for Square payments
Grocery delivery service build with Svelte, MongoDB, Square Payments and Netl…
multiplication square game created to expriment with Svelte
Hopefully an actually viable tictactoe game but in svelte this time....
Proportional square treemaps using D3 + Svelte, showing number of mammal spec…
Project to learn Svelte. Part of Square's Hackweek (June 6 - June 10, 2022).
A game for drawing perfect squares. Testing project for Svelte
The 15 Puzzle is a sliding puzzle which has 15 square tiles numbered 1 to 15 …
Alcohol Shop with order pickup service built with Svelte, MongoDB, New Square…
🎮 Don't Be So Square - 3D multiplayer browser game
A Svelte web app for a non-existing coffee shop, that uses the Square API for…