Demo site showing how to use Netlify functions with SvelteKit
An example of using FaunaDB, Netlify Functions, and Svelte.
Grocery delivery service build with Svelte, MongoDB, Square Payments and Netl…
Weather app built with Svelte and Netlify functions
Repo for testing svelte-kit using backblaze and netlify functions
JAMStack weather application, using Netlify functions (OpenWeatherMap & Locat…
I simple app that uses Netlify Functions and Stripe to proccess customer subs…
Work in progress. JAMStack ISBN barcode reader and search application, using …
Alcohol Shop with order pickup service built with Svelte, MongoDB, New Square…
A currency converter app made with Svelte and Netlify
Sveltekit template with Typescript, ESlint, StoryBook, Tailwind CSS, and Unpu…
Herramienta que obtiene los metadatos de OpenGraph de una página web y asi po…
☕ Bear Coffee | Voyage-24 |
Magic Mirror JAMStack Weasley Clock. What more can I say?