🚀 📚 Some examples to test the Svelte Framework
A demo bookshop application based on svelte
Download books for free
A progressive material design web app for styling and serving html books
🐥 Gallery viewer for https://github.com/cat-milk/Anime-Girls-Holding-Programm…
A starter template for a new SvelteKit site using Bookshop
a small svelte project for adding books to a cart
Collection of interesting links, tutorials, books, book notes
SvelteJS 📚
Library made with Svelte
Svelte, Spring Boot, MongoDB.
a bookshop based on svelte
Frontend practice with Svelte
svelte&sveltekit - first group work project
A local book rating app, which can post to instagram (maybe)
aicacia visual svelte sharable book components
Prueba Tecnica Midudev.
Svelte の本検索
Its like a bookshelf, but in svelte.
📚 스벨트로 시작하는 웹 프론트엔드
Simple app Book Store with svelte
I recreate and maybe expand my last year's school project, where I used Angul…
Book register system based in Solana-Anchor
Web app built to organize my high school's annual used textbook fair. Built w…
A book library for testing Svelte framework
A list of my books as a Svelte demo project with data provided by OpenLibrary.
search movies and books, learning svelte
Personal Book Archive using Svelte and Supabase
reading list recommendations using svelte, flask and bulma
this is a simple svelte project for practice purposes
Training and testing project for Javascript, Svelte, Vice and Docker
Aplicação que informa a ordem de leitura de livros - svelte, tailwind