Movies demo
TMDB movie app using sveltekit
The global streaming service search engine.
Movies is a non-trivial learning application
A simple Marvel movie timeline built with Svelte
SvelteKit-powered Movie Watchlist: Easily track, rate, and organize your movi…
A template made for travellers.
A movie website created with SvelteKit and The Movie Database
A web app for viewing movie information and ratings
♟️ • Movie Search Website
My first Svelte App
Movies DB Application using SveltKit and TMDB
Svelte implementation of a movie search using API
Sveltekit + TMDB API
Svelte Movie
Movie & Tv Shows streaming site (WIP)
Movie Seat Booking App made with Svelte.js
Desktop application developed using python-eel and svelte, which lets you fil…
🎥 From your Letterboxd reviews, recommend a movie to watch.
Svelte movie app
Svelte Project
Svelte Movie App
Movie journal svelte
movie database using svelte
Movie Website With SvelteKit
Svelte hype real?
Movie App
Learning SvelteKit, by building a Movie App, with "The Movie Database" API an…
movie database with svelte
Svelte Tutorial Movie Hub
Movie app, using svelte
app movie using svelte
Movie database using Svelte
MOviE App With SveLte
Svelte Js Movie Tracker
Creating an WebApp using svelte kit to learn and understand SSR (Server Side …
Personal project to gain new knowledge in used technologies and learn best pr…
Movie listing app based on Svelte
Svelte project
👩💻Movie app with SvelteKit