Svelte Magic UI, Svelte Aceternity UI, Svelte Components build using Tailwind…
Make Web Components easier and powerful!😘
An implementation of passwordless authentication using Magic with SvelteKit.
Minimalist Developer Portfolio Template using Svelte, Inspired from Magic UI
Start Up Template Inspired from Magic UI
Build a Svelte JS App: Magic Framework (Svelte 3 Tutorial)
Svg Shapes - A free, customizable & extensive collection of 100+ SVG shapes. …
An NFT Marketplace built with Svelte and Magic
Load svelte components as aframe components :magic:.
Fast, typesafe Icon wrapper for svelte.
The magic of Svelte demo for Vendure Conf 2024
🪄 Animated code blocks using Shiki
Hack your club fair with magic 🔮
SvelteKit frontend using Tailwindcss with a Go fiber backend using GORM (post…
Vite + Svelte application bundled with Electron to to display Home Assistant …
a Magic: The Gathering card fetcher written in Svelte with SvelteKit
A general-use wizard form with dynamic pages, questions, validations
Typing game with Svelte
Code sample for build error
Sveltekit SSR auth template with supabase, magic link, tailwind, daisyui
Reactive form using Svelte 5 magic
A Leaflet wrapper using Svelte 5's magic.
A utility for Svelte code generation using magical import
Magic the gather counter youtube series
Classic Magic 8-ball implementation in Svelte
Magic score counter made in svelte.js
Simple magic-link authentication for Sveltekit applications and websites
passwordless login using magic link sent by email
Might and Magic trainer locations app in svelte
This is a SvelteKit project that uses Magic Links for authentication.
svelte + electron magic mirror software, attempting to be lightweight
Just attempting to learn how Svelte works it's magic...
My updated portfolio website with Svelte and glsl magic
TodoMVC app built with Svelte, Reactive-Magic, and Abstract State Router