666generator.com is a joke website that tries to find a way to derive the num…
Zoomer Stimming Station
Driven by nostalgia I made web app to read jokes about Gabrovs using svelte.
Svelte Norris by The Brandolorian | Made with Svelte , the javascript framewo…
svelte joke api consumer
joke app made with svelte
Getting to know Sveltekit
A little jokes api consumer to break the ice with svelte
Online minigame to practice sveltekit and socketIO
A small Svelte/TypeScript project with Netlify serverless functions. Uses the…
Chuck Norris Joke Generator in SvelteJS
Using the https://icanhazdadjoke.com/ api as an example to call an API in svelte
I used this app https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iiIYYomMBTw&t=2455s written i…
Dad Joke ❤️ graphql-yoga and Svelte
A typing game with extremely bad Chuck Norris jokes.
Svelte App that fetches data from the Dad Joke API `https://icanhazdadjoke.co…
just some tests on how docker works with nodes and svelte
Yet another dad joke repo. This uses svelte with minimal UI
An app that remembers your jokes so you don't have to.
a poop joke generator made in svelte for fathers day
Single Page App (SPA) that displays halloween jokes on demand made with Svelte
fetch and render programming jokes in svelte. how to use promises and rest api
A tool to fetch programming jokes from a free API using svelte
Updated version of my dad joke library created using Svelte instead of React!
An online chat bot with IQ===0
This is a client side only single page application, for the (semi-)joke, sing…
Made this as a joke for friends. Single api route and a simple ui to use it o…
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