docker-joke Svelte Themes

Docker Joke

just some tests on how docker works with nodes and svelte

Build image with:

sudo docker build -t joke .

here I do a 2 step build by firstly defining a "builder" image to create smaller container which builds project (instead of manualy do this)

  • use alpine because it's much smaller in size,

FROM node:22-alpine AS builder

  • create app dir

RUN mkdir /app

  • copy '.' - everything in the app folder into container

COPY . /app

  • go to app dir and exec installation of all packages and build the project

RUN cd /app && npm install && npm run build

creating real container

FROM node:22-alpine

RUN mkdir /app

  • copy all relevant files from previously created image

COPY --from=builder /app/build /app/build

  • copy package.json to app folder

COPY --from=builder /app/package.json /app/

  • install only production dependencies, ignore all dev

RUN cd /app && npm install --production

  • set app as work dir


  • add command to start app

CMD ["node", "build/index.js"]

there is a file for server run but to manually do this:

  • run server with:

sudo docker run --rm -d -p 3000:3000 --name sveltekit-joke joke

  • stop server with:

sudo docker stop sveltekit-joke

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