Svelte Sortable List
A svelte 3 component that implements a list with animated drag-n-drop functio…
Svelte Tweakpane Ui
A Svelte component library wrapping UI elements from Tweakpane, plus some add…
Sveltekit Cloudflare Template
A fully functional SvelteKit template that integrates Cloudflare services (Pa…
Svelte File Upload Component
A standalone svelte component that merges <input type='file' /> with drag dro…
Svelte Masked Password
The InputMaskingPassword component is a password input field that includes ma…
Svelte Bootstrapjs Action
A Svelte action plugin that enables Bootstrap JavaScript functionality on Boo…
Fastapi Svelte Template
A basic template for a fastapi/svelte SPA with JWT authentication and basic c…
Flask Svelte Template
Template with functionality for integrating Svelte 5 UI Framework on Vite dev…
El maquetado que realice de un ecomerce en HTML Y CSS lo lleve a Svelte.js. U…