Svelte Intl Precompile
I18n library for Svelte.js that analyzes your keys at build time for max perf…
Svelte Currency Input
A masked form input that converts numbers to localized currency formats as yo…
Svelte Inline Markdown Editor
A small text editor component that shows a live preview of markdown formattin…
Svelte Effect Nix Template
Svelte + Effect + Nix template. Reproducible builds, tests, dev environment, …
Svelte Ffmpeg Video To Mp4 Converter
Website convert video to mp4 format using svelte and ffmpeg.wasm
Svelte Tailwind Boilerplate
a svelte kit boilerplate using tailwind css with eslint / prettier / airbnb f…
Svelte Electron Typescript Tailwindcss Boilerplate
A minmimal svelte-typescript-tailwindcss & electron boilerplate template with…