Vite Electron Builder
Secure boilerplate for Electron app based on Vite. TypeScript + Vue/React/Ang…
Svelte Electron Boilerplate
🧬 Create a desktop app with this user-friendly Svelte boilerplate for electron
Svelte Spa Boilerplate
👔 Create single page application with this friendly Svelte boilerplate made w…
Electron Svelte Typescript Boilerplate
Minimal electron boilerplate with Svelte and Typescript support
Svelte Electron Ipc Boilerplate
Boilerplate for the creation of an Electron app with Svelte as front-end and …
Electron Fast Boilerplate
Fast development boilerplate for Electron app based on Vite + TypeScript + Vu…
Electron Svelte Tailwind Boilerplate
Electron | Svelte | Tailwind | Rollup | PostCSS | PostCSS-CLI | Autoprefixer …
Svelte Electron Typescript Tailwindcss Boilerplate
A minmimal svelte-typescript-tailwindcss & electron boilerplate template with…
Electron Svelte Typescript
An Electron application boilerplate using Svelte and Typescript. Rollup bundl…