An Obsidian plugin for all your Chess related notes.
There is currently a problem with obsidian getting the assets. A simple workaround is to get the assets folder from the releases page. More info about this issue can be found in Issue #3.
Simply create a code-block with the language set as chess
and then pass the arguments in a YAML syntax.
Here is a simple board displaying a variation of the Caro-Kann opening:
fen: rnbqkbnr/pp2pppp/2p5/3p4/3PP3/8/PPP2PPP/RNBQKBNR
flipBoard: true
lastMove: d7d5
Note: You can easily get the FEN code of the position from the website where you play online chess. For example: Lichess' board editor.
Here is a list of all the arguments that can be passed to the code-block:
Parameters | Type | Description | Default |
fen | string | The FEN code of the position | "8/8/8/8/8/8/8/8" |
boolean | If the board should be flipped to black's perspective | false | |
lastMove | string | The two squares to be highlighted as a last move | "" |
check | string | The square to be highlighted as a check | "" |
Here is a condensed list of the current and future plugin's features:
Q: Why did you make this plugin?
only allows to display full games. So i resorted to just taking a screenshot of Lichess' board editor and pasting that image in the markdown file. When I heard of the Obsidian October contest I thought it would be a good excuse to make a chess plugin.Q: What's your rating?
As you might have already noticed, this plugin was heavily inspired by Lichess.
For all the interested nerds out there, this plugin was built with Svelte. Feel free to use this plugin as a template for you future Svelte plugin.
If you found this plugin useful, consider buying me a coffee ☕ (or a beer 🍺) and leaving a thank you message.