
svelte-code-editor is a code editor for Svelte based on CodeMirror.

It is extracted out of the official Svelte playground into a component to facilitate reuse.

The package contains the following components:

Component Description
Editor Core code editor component based on CodeMirror
TabbedEditor Editor with tab support for multiple files
ThemeToggle Toggle between light and dark themes


  • 🎨 Syntax highlighting for Svelte, JavaScript, Typescript and CSS
  • ✨ Autocompletion for Svelte, JavaScript, and CSS
  • 🔍 Search and replace
  • ⌨️ Vim mode
  • 🌓 Dark and light themes


pnpm add @umaranis/svelte-code-editor


1- Import the desired components into the page import TabbedEditor from '$lib/TabbedEditor.svelte';

2- Create File and Workspace objects

3- Include the component in your page <TabbedEditor {workspace} />

Here is an example:

<script lang="ts">
 import Editor from '$lib/Editor.svelte';
 import TabbedEditor from '$lib/TabbedEditor.svelte';
 import { Workspace } from '$lib/Workspace.svelte';
 import ThemeToggle from '$lib/components/ThemeToggle.svelte';
 import type { File } from '$lib/Workspace.svelte';
 import '@umaranis/svelte-code-editor/styles/index.css';

 const file: File = {
  type: 'file',
  name: 'App.svelte',
  basename: 'App.svelte',
  contents: '',
  text: true

 const workspace = new Workspace([file], {
  initial: 'App.svelte',
  svelte_version: 'latest',
  onupdate() {},
  onreset() {}

<h1>Welcome to your svelte-code-editor project</h1>

<p>Theme: <ThemeToggle /></p>

<TabbedEditor {workspace} />

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