SVAR Svelte Toolbar


A Svelte UI component for building flexible button panels, from simple button sets to complex structures with numerous buttons and select boxes. It provides an easy way to organize and display multiple toolbar items, with support for multiline layouts and collapsible item groups that can be shown on demand.

How to Use

To use the widget, simply import the package and include the component in your Svelte file:

    import { Toolbar } from "wx-svelte-toolbar";

    function onClick(item) {
        message = "Button '" + + "' clicked";

    let items = [
        { id: "label", text: "Toolbar with icon buttons" },
            id: "search",
            comp: "button",
            icon: "wxi-search",
            handler: onClick,

<Toolbar {items} />

How to Modify

Typically, you don't need to modify the code. However, if you wish to do so, follow these steps:

  1. Run yarn to install dependencies. Note that this project is a monorepo using yarn workspaces, so npm will not work
  2. Start the project in development mode with yarn start

Run Tests

To run the test:

  1. Start the test examples with:
    yarn start:tests
  2. In a separate console, run the end-to-end tests with:
    yarn test:cypress

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