electron-svelte-boilerplate Svelte Themes

Electron Svelte Boilerplate

A minimalist boilerplate for building cross-platform desktop applications using Electron and Svelte, with the power of the Rollup bundler for efficient packaging and development.

Electron Svelte Boilerplate

A minimalist boilerplate for building cross-platform desktop applications using Electron and Svelte, with the power of the Rollup bundler for efficient packaging and development.


Clone the repository and install dependencies:

git clone --depth 1 --branch main https://github.com/pavlokobyliatskyi/electron-svelte-boilerplate.git your-project-name
cd your-project-name
npm install


Run the following command to start the development mode:

npm run start:dev


To package your Electron application for distribution:

npm run release

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