🍿 MovieDB
This is a movie website built with SvelteKit, TypeScript, Prisma, and Neon PostgresDB.
The website allows users to browse, search for, and save their favorite movies. It provides movie details, ratings, trailers, and personalized recommendations.
- Browse and search movies
- Movie details with plot, rating, release date and more
- User registration and login
- User profiles with saved movies
- Favorite movies functionality
- Personalized movie recommendations
- Responsive design for different devices
Technologies Used
- Front-end: SvelteKit (TypeScript)
- Back-end: Prisma
- Database: PostgresDB
- Web-service: Cloudflare Turnstile, TheMovieDB API
The website is hosted on Vercel and the database on Neon.
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.