
A SvelteKit 2 template with a few other defaults:


This repository can be cloned using degit:

# clone `sveltekit-template` into the `my-app` directory
pnpm dlx degit fboulnois/sveltekit-template my-app

Creating this project

[!NOTE] Skip this step. This step was already run and is kept for posterity.

This project was originally created using create-svelte, and recreated for Svelte 5 using sv.

The following steps were run to create this project:

# create a new sveltekit project in the `sveltekit-template` directory
pnpm dlx sv create sveltekit-template

See the project history for other changes.


Install the dependencies using pnpm install.

To check the code for issues when developing:

pnpm format
pnpm lint
pnpm check
pnpm audit

To start a development server:

pnpm dev


Unit tests are run using Vitest. To run unit tests:

pnpm test

End-to-end tests are run using Playwright. Install the Playwright dependencies:

pnpm exec playwright install
pnpm exec playwright install-deps

To run end-to-end tests:

pnpm e2e


To create a production version of the app:

pnpm build

The production build can be previewed with pnpm preview.

To deploy your app, you may need to install an adapter for your target environment.

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