For Begineers
Svelte is a tool for building web applications. Like other user interface frameworks, it allows you to build your app declaratively out of components that combine markup, styles and behaviours.
Basic Svelte Knownledge Features
Reactive Statement
- is a way to make a state and trigger some statement when the state are changes.
- is a value that we pass from parent to the child component
Conditional Statement
- is a way we can render some HTML element using conditional function like if else
- is a way to pass the HTML element from the parent to the child component
Binding Value
- is a way to bind for example an input element to changes the state
- is a way to made an iteration inside of HTML element
Event Forwarding
- is a way when we want to set the function / statement from the parent and accessed from the child component
Event Modifier
- is a way to modify the event
- once : makes sure the event can only fire once (removes handler)
- preventDefault : prevent the default action (e.g e.preventDefault)
- self : only fires the event if the clicked element is the target