

🔀 A boilerplate with the Svind stack (Svelte, Vite, Vercel and Tailwind)



The Svind stack (Svelte, Vite, Vercel, Tailwind) brings a whole new DX. This boilerplate aims to bring this experience to you with everything already setup with a few extras (such as full PWA support with custom service worker).


  • Vite with HMR
  • PWA
    • Notification prebuilt when a new version has been downloaded by the service worker
    • Icons and manifest.json automatically generated from configuration files and an image when building for production
    • Automatically updates the meta tags of the index.html when building for production
  • SEO
  • Service worker
    • Easy to understand, no fancy library
    • Fully customizable
    • Support for all the different fetching methods
    • Precaches all the files and routes once the web app has loaded
    • Automatically updates on build via Gulp (cache name and precached files)
  • CSS
    • Integrated Tailwind CSS
      • With dark/light mode support
      • and a few other things
    • Purged and nano-tized when building for production
  • Router
    • Dynamic route import for code splitting
  • Images
    • webp version of your images generated automatically
    • Component pre created to support both the original image and the webp version
    • Automatic image optimization when building for production
  • Vercel
    • Example functions and integration
    • To make it work properly, you'll need to change the settings on your project page on to
      • Build command: yarn build
      • Deploy folder: dist
      • Development command: yarn dev --port $PORT
  • CI
    • Basic build test on push


git clone
cd svind

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Loading Svelte Themes