A file manager built using Svelte and Wails. It has hotkeys that are modal ju…
experimental Wails app with Svelte
Starr Toolbarr
A project to automate the process of downloading images and other attachment …
A fast and lightweight file explorer, written in Golang & Svelte!
Experimenting with wails.io and svelte to create a simple database explorer f…
Taskmail is a productivity app designed to integrate email management and tas…
Unofficial buddy app for Boot.dev that keeps track of progress and more.
A simple API client written in Go/Wails and Svelte.
Watermark generator written in Golang
Golang desktop todoapp that uses Wails GUI framework and Svelte to build the …
Cut through the BS with Brainstack ✨
👾 Pokemon guessing game 🎮
A desktop application for viewing YouTube videos using Invidious written with…