Demos and tutorials for getting started with Appwrite + Svelte
Monaco editor Svetle language tools
「从零开始设计 Svetle」临时地址 ↓
zero dependency svetle tower of hanoi fucking funny
Trying new Svetle Frame work
Svetle TodoMVC
svetle threlte examples for learning puproses.
Playing with Svetle and d3.js
A Svelte web API with Vite
A project starter for Svetle - built with Gulp
Cloned from sb-admin-svelte project. Overall me messing with stuff.
It's a practice repo for svelte. Created using 'git template' (JS only) - bas…
Scaffold a stater flowvite svelte template.
An adventure into svetle. Trying to mirror our nextjs stack in svelte (drizzl…
Admin dashboard built with Flowbite, Svetle, TypeScript and Tailwind CSS
Svelte rating screen project, calculates average, beautiful user interface.