SST SvelteKit Starter
SKITSA (SvelteKit SST Authentication boilerplate)
A starter template for modern SaaS with SvelteKit and SST.
How to install Svelte with Snowpack and Tailwind
trying out sst
✨ Princeton course selection, amplified ✨
A template made for travellers.
Starter for using SvelteKit
svelte-shadcn-tailwind-tauri template
Example using SST Secrets in SvelteKit
Dependency with modification needed for mongodb and lambda
TODO app implementation created with SST and SvelteKit (Svelte 5)
SvelteKit i18n Starter
This repository deploys Astro on AWS using SST and runs a Sigma demo built wi…
A pokedex built with Svelte 5 + SvelteKit and deployed to AWS with SST.
OpenAI ChatGPT bot with custom integrations
**NO LONGER MAINTAINED** Shut down due to news aggregation costs via Azure Bi…