Split Pane for Svelte!
resizable layout component for svelte
Split Testing for Svelte and SvelteKit
🚧 Do the Chunk split on a page-by-page basis. In the svelte-spa-router module.
Effortlessly split expenses among friends in any situation.
Tip Calculator created with Svelte
An app to split charges. Studying Svelte.
A small web app made in Svelte to see much how everyone pays after going out
View Split for React, Vue and Svelte
Split VueJS and Svelte files in three pan
Combined https://github.com/Readiz/svelte-split-pane to a single component
And example of a basic split testing implimentation in SvelteKit
my kind of implementation for https://github.com/Readiz/svelte-split-pane
A game where you split fused pokemons
A web app that can open folders in split screens to watch images and videos i…
Billsplit is a progressive web app aplication for an easy and fast way to spl…
Svelte app to split a long mp3 file into songs, along with the corresponding …