Old portfolio website
Generate รูปคำคมแบบเด็กโอลิมปิควิชาการ
UI Client for Ollama AI
Olá, Svelte!
Create a local chatbot see on youtube.com/maykbrito
Netlify-CMS x Astro 👨🚀
My personal website
🌐 my personal website.
This is only used t reproduce a bug in OpenLayers and SvelteKit
🚀 Next-gen hyperspeed minecraft launcher, written in rust and svelte
Good ol' snake game created in svelte:
Trying out sveltePipe to have rxjs operators working on good ol' svelte stores
My personal website 2022
A portfolio template built with Sveltekit and Tailwind CSS
My new website with a half decent design
calculadora em svelte
OLIP but Svelte
Public repository for my blogging website
blog build in svelte
Gonna be them all ?
Landing page made with Svelte(Sapper)
Tutorial Calculador em Svelte
Svelte client for cbc
Markdown powered blog with server side theme switch
A previous version of the blog for Atlas Academy. Made with 🚀Astro.
Um projeto para experimentar o Svelte pela primeira vez.
The old DCC website, in Svelte.
Project with Svelte, PostgreSQL, sass, tailwind...
using the older verion of sveltekit
SvelteKit base repository with support for tailwind and mdsvex.
PlaceMark frontend application
Svelte-based chatbot client for the Ollama AI assistant.