Svelte MPA, Multipage Svelte
Building multiple single page svelte apps together in one project
A template to create multi-page application powered by webpack
Dummy complex example how to use Fiber, Svelte-MPA, Clickhouse, Tarantool, Gotro
Svelte + Go hybrid SPA/MPA application
Svelte + hono, MPA sample
svelte, vitejs, MPA
Svelte + Express MPA template
A startup tool to build high efficient multi-page web application powered by …
express + vite + Svelte, MPA sample
fastify + Svelte + vite, MPA sample
a svelte multiple page application template with webpack
Svelte Static MPA w/Ktor Backend
MPA blog demo with vite and svelte 3
Minimal demo for svelte v3 with ssr support, for both SPA and MPA.
Build MPAs with web standards and modern tooling
Repositório com configurações básicas para criação de um SPA (Single Page App…
trying out svelte-kit SSR/CSR/MPA but with golang server as REST-API endpoint…
try astro, multipage app (MPA), Mix and yum react, vue, svelte, Shared state …