Universal Icon Library
Circum is a open source icon library following Google Material Design princip…
The most efficient Svelte icon library
Svelte Icon Library: convert iconify SVG icons to type-safe Svelte components
Bootstrap SVG icons as Svelte components
An icon library for Svelte/SvelteKit based on Remix Icon. Consists of more th…
Mono icons for Svelte
A template made for travellers.
VS Code Codicons as Svelte components
Iconoir SVG icons as Svelte components
A Google material icon library for Svelte
Healthicons SVG icons as Svelte components
Use thousands of icons as components in Svelte and Svelteki. Iconify and unpl…
GitLab SVG icons as Svelte components
Grommet SVG icons as Svelte components
Svelte icon components for Hugeicons - Lightweight and efficient icon library…
Svg icons library for Svelte
POC for svelte using icon library and vanilla icons
An icon library for svelte. thanks to https://iconsax.io
This is an icon library for Svelte based on iconsax
Stack Overflow Stacks SVG icons as Svelte components
Pinterest Gestalt SVG icons as Svelte components
The official Figma plugin for the ProIcons icon library