Feature flags (toggle) module for svelte apps
Svelte component for flag-icon-css
330+ SVG icons from Circle-Flags
Flagpack contains 250+ easily implementable flag icons to use in your design …
260+ Flag-icons for Svelte
250+ Country-flags Svelte components
🎏 A flag guessing game in Svelte for learning purposes
A simple trivia game where you guess the country based on its flag.
A demo of Feature Flags with SvelteKit and Unleash.
Interactive web app for learning flags of countries and their capitals
Fast paced, simple, flag knowledge game
Showing the use of ConfigCat's Feature Flags in a Svelte Application
ASCII Art flag built in Svelte
A small web app to learn the flags of the world. 🚩
Two kinds of Asian flag games built with Svelte
A svelte app to host a markdown file sharing for secret CTF flags.
a small svelte app to test a user's flag knowledge
Flag guessing game inspired by Wordle