🍿🔗Official Svelte wrapper for Popper - the positioning library
Svelte Bootstrap Dropdown [Svelte Component for Bootstrap Dropdown]
Fully customizable Svelte overlay. Great for creating dropdowns, tooltips and…
Budibase Component Dropdown List
Svelte menu component. Build dropdown menus, context menus, or complex menu b…
Country Phone Control Virtual list Dropdown
Its just a template repositorie, I will put here some usefull templates to us…
Ultra minimal popover/dropdown component for svelte
A custom selection menu with a dropdown list of options built in svelte
A simple svelte selectbox library with custom dropdown placements
Learning Svelte by building a simple typeahead dropdown
Mobile navigation button in the navbar, animated dropdown menu
A Svelte component that creates a basic dropdown that you can customize using…
The PostgreSQL GUI project is a Svelte-based web project that provides a user…