3D with SvelteKit and Babylon.js
Use BabylonJS like A-Frame through reactive Svelte Components.
A simple example of using BabylonJS within a Svelte app, this time with types…
A simple example of using BabylonJS within a Svelte app.
Svelte-time baby!
Learning Svelte
Currently a zero code project with just the bare bones instructions of settin…
babylonjs svelte typescript template
Easily create 3D scenes with Babylon.js in Svelte
Experiment with generating Svelte Components from BabylonJS documentation.
Сайт храма на новой версии sveltekit и vite
A Directus/Svelte Module to make docs
Test setup for a svelte-based site with Babylon JS integrated
Just me playing around, learning svelte and babylonjs
A simple stopwatch to track baby sleep. Made with Svelte and TailwindCSS
Tinder for baby names
FNFCentral.com Is Open Source BABY
An app for babies written in svelte/javascript and node/koa/typescript. Watch…
LuluCam: A Raspberry Pi-powered LAN-based baby monitoring system with real-ti…