Carbon Svelte Webpack
Svelte + Webpack template for building apps with the Carbon Design System wit…
Svelte Rollup Tailwindcss Template
A svelte template using tailwindcss and several other configurations that mak…
Svelte Webpack Boilerplate
Svelte application boilerplate with Webpack, less, PostCss/autoprefixer, svel…
Svelte3 Project Template
Pure Svelte 3 (not SvelteKit) project template with vite, eslint, prettier, t…
Svelte4 Project Template
Pure Svelte 4 (not SvelteKit) project template with vite, eslint, prettier, t…
Template Astro Svelte Ts
Astro with Svelte template. With Eslint (A11y included), Prettier & Autoprefixer
Svelte Tailwind Boilerplate
Svelte | Tailwind | Rollup | PostCSS | PostCSS-CLI | Autoprefixer | Concurren…
Tempate Svelte Tailwindcss
A template project for Svelte and Tailwind CSS. Includes Autoprefixer and Con…
Essence Of Prompurr
Playing around with esbuild, postcss autoprefixer, and better svelte preproce…
Svelte Webpack Starter
A starter template for Svelte that comes preconfigured with Webpack, TypeScri…
Sveltekit Project Template
A SvelteKit project template, and want to incorporate various tools such as V…