


A lightweight and customizable Sparkline component for Svelte 5, based on fnando/sparkline (used on npm to show a chart for weekly downloads), with various improvements and updates. Works on touchscreens, tested on all browsers.

This library creates a small responsive line chart (apparently called "sparkline" for whatever reason)--without axis labels--for quick data visualization. It is ideal for displaying trends and patterns in data in a compact form--making it good for use in dashboards, reports, etc. The SVG output scales to fit its container for responsiveness on different screen sizes.

Changes to the data prop or any option will update the SVG reactively (with svelte 5 managing the SVG dom updates). Performance should be optimal as it just atomically updates the necessary svg paths.


Install the package via npm:

npm install sparkline-svelte


Basic Example

    import { Sparkline } from "sparkline-svelte"; 

<Sparkline data={[5, 10, 15, 10, 5]} />


The Sparkline component accepts the following props (only the options.lineColor prop is needed to change all the colors automatically. The other options can be mostly ignored):

data (required)

  • Type: number[] | { label: string; value: number }[]
  • Description: An array of numbers or objects containing label and value properties, representing the data points to plot. By supplying a label, you can provide any label for the values, and they will be displayed on the tooltip as label: ${value} when hovering over the sparkline.

options (optional)

  • Type: Object
  • Description: An object to customize the appearance and behavior of the sparkline.

Options Properties:

  • lineColor

    • Type: string
    • Default: #FF476F
    • Description: The color of the sparkline line. Setting this will automatically adjust related colors (fillColor, cursorColor, tooltipFillColor, tooltipTextColor) based on the provided lineColor.
  • fillColor

    • Type: string
    • Default: A lighter shade based on lineColor
    • Description: The fill color under the sparkline.
  • cursorColor

    • Type: string
    • Default: A contrasting color based on lineColor
    • Description: The color of the cursor line when hovering over the sparkline.
  • strokeWidth

    • Type: number
    • Default: 6
    • Description: The width of the sparkline line.
  • spotRadius

    • Type: number
    • Default: 2
    • Description: The radius of the spots (data points) on the sparkline.
  • interactive

    • Type: boolean
    • Default: false
    • Description: Enables cursor and tooltip on hover when set to true.
  • showTooltip

    • Type: boolean
    • Default: true
    • Description: Shows tooltip with data point information on hover.
  • tooltipTextColor

    • Type: string
    • Default: Based on tooltipFillColor
    • Description: The text color of the tooltip.
  • tooltipFillColor

    • Type: string
    • Default: A contrasting color based on fillColor
    • Description: The background color of the tooltip.
  • tooltipFontSize

    • Type: string
    • Default: "0.875rem"
    • Description: The font size of the tooltip text.
  • cursorWidth

    • Type: number
    • Default: 2
    • Description: The width of the cursor line.
  • svgClass

    • Type: string
    • Default: ""
    • Description: CSS class to apply to the SVG element.
  • toolTipClass

    • Type: string
    • Default: "tooltip-class"
    • Description: CSS class to apply to the tooltip element.

cursorData (optional, bindable)

  • Type: DataPoint | null
  • Description: A bindable prop that holds the current data point under the cursor when the sparkline is interactive. It can be used to access the data point's x, y, value, index, and label properties.


interface DataPoint {     
    x: number;     
    y: number;     
    value: number;     
    index: number;     
    label?: string; 

You can bind to cursorData to get the current data point under the cursor:

    import { Sparkline } from "sparkline-svelte";     
    let data = [5, 10, 15, 10, 5];     
    let cursorData = $state(null); 

<Sparkline {data} options={{ interactive: true }} bind:cursorData />  

{#if cursorData}     
    <p>Current Value: {cursorData.value}</p>     
    <p>Index: {cursorData.index}</p>     
    <p>X: {cursorData.x}</p>     
    <p>Y: {cursorData.y}</p>     
    {#if cursorData.label}         
        <p>Label: {cursorData.label}</p>     


    import { Sparkline } from "sparkline-svelte";      
    let data = [         
        { label: "Jan", value: 10 },         
        { label: "Feb", value: 15 },         
        { label: "Mar", value: 12 },         
        { label: "Apr", value: 20 },         
        { label: "May", value: 18 }     

<Sparkline {data} options={{ lineColor: "#27ae60", interactive: true }} />

In this example, by supplying a label for each data point, the tooltip will display the label and value as label: ${value} when hovering over the sparkline.

Reactive Data Updates

    import { Sparkline } from "sparkline-svelte";      
    let data = $state([]);      
    // Simulate data updates     
    let interval;      
    $effect(() => {         
        interval = setInterval(() => {             
            let value = Math.floor(Math.random() * 100);             

            // Keep only the last 10 data points             
            if (data.length > 10) {                 
        }, 1000);          
        return () => clearInterval(interval);     

<Sparkline {data} options={{ lineColor: "#e74c3c", interactive: true }} />

The graph will reactively update as the data prop is updated.



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