portfolio-website Svelte Themes

Portfolio Website

Create an impressive online presence with this sleek, customizable developer portfolio template built with Svelte, Astro, and TailwindCSS. Featuring smooth animations, responsive design, and dark mode support, it's perfect for showcasing your work. Easy to deploy and personalize, this template ensures a polished, professional look to grab attention

šŸš€ Developer Portfolio

A modern, interactive, and visually engaging developer portfolio built with Svelte and Astro. This project showcases work experience, projects, and skills with smooth animations and a responsive design.

āœØ Features

  • Dynamic Animations ā€“ Smooth transitions, tilt effects, and interactive elements.
  • Optimized Performance ā€“ Lightning-fast rendering with Svelte.
  • Interactive Experience ā€“ Engaging UI with hover effects and smooth scrolling.
  • Responsive Design ā€“ Works seamlessly on desktops, tablets, and mobile devices.
  • Customizable Theme ā€“ Easily tweak colors, fonts, and styles.
  • Modern Tech Stack ā€“ Uses Svelte, TypeScript, and TailwindCSS for efficiency and scalability.
  • Dark Mode Support ā€“ Looks stunning in both light and dark themes. šŸŒ™

šŸ“‚ Folder Structure

šŸ“ src/
ā”œā”€ā”€ šŸ“‚ components/       # Reusable UI components (Navbar, Footer, etc.)
ā”œā”€ā”€ šŸ“‚ data/             # JSON data for projects and experience
ā”œā”€ā”€ šŸ“‚ sections/         # Main sections (WorkExperience, Projects, Contact, etc.)
ā”œā”€ā”€ šŸ“‚ utils/            # Utility functions (e.g., tilt effect)
ā””ā”€ā”€ šŸ“œ pages/index.astro # Main app structure

šŸ› ļø Tech Stack

  • Frontend: Svelte, TypeScript, TailwindCSS
  • Animations: Svelte Transitions, Custom Tilt Effects
  • Data Handling: JSON for easy content updates
  • Deployment: Vercel / Netlify / Your preferred hosting

šŸŽØ UI Highlights

  • Work Experience Timeline šŸ†

    • Elegant timeline view showcasing work experience.
    • Glowing indicators for each experience entry.
    • Smooth fade-in effects on scroll.
  • Projects Showcase šŸ’»

    • Animated project cards with hover scaling effects.
    • Direct links to GitHub repositories and Live Demo.
    • Stylish gradient background with glassmorphism effects.
  • Navigation & Interactivity šŸ§­

    • Smooth scrolling to sections for seamless UX.
    • Dynamic background banners for each section.
    • Optimized for both light and dark themes.

šŸš€ Getting Started

1ļøāƒ£ Clone the Repository

 git clone https://github.com/animeshsrivastava246/portfolio-website.git
 cd portfolio-website

2ļøāƒ£ Install Dependencies

pnpm install  # or npm install / yarn install

3ļøāƒ£ Run the Development Server

pnpm dev  # or npm run dev / yarn dev

Note: Ensure you have pnpm, npm, or yarn installed before running the commands.

Visit http://localhost:4321 to see your portfolio in action! šŸŽ‰

šŸ”§ Customization

Modify Work Experience

Your work experience data is stored in src/data/data.json. Update the experience array to reflect your own experience:

"experience": [
    "title": "Frontend Developer",
    "company": "AwesomeTech Inc.",
    "duration": "Jan 2022 - Present",
    "description": "Developing interactive UI components and improving website performance."

Add Your Projects

Similarly, update the projects array in src/data/data.json:

"projects": [
    "title": "AI Chatbot",
    "description": "A smart chatbot powered by OpenAI's GPT-4 API.",
    "github": "https://github.com/your-username/ai-chatbot",
    "live": "https://ai-chatbot-demo.vercel.app"

Change Portfolio Styling

Tweak the styling in src/styles/global.css and component-specific styles to match your branding! šŸŽØ

Edit Background Images

Modify the background images for different sections in src/assets/backdrops/.

šŸš€ Deployment

npm install -g vercel

Follow the instructions to deploy your portfolio live! šŸŒ

šŸ’” Other Deployment Options

You can also deploy to Netlify, GitHub Pages, or any other static hosting provider of your choice!

šŸ“Œ Future Enhancements

āœ… Improved Mobile Responsiveness šŸ“±
āœ… Scroll-based Animations šŸš€
āœ… Contact Form ā€“ Integrate with Formspree or Firebase for direct messaging. šŸ“§

šŸ“¬ Contact

Have feedback or suggestions? Reach out!

šŸ“§ Email: [email protected]
šŸ”— Portfolio: portfolio-animesh-dev.vercel.app šŸ¦ X: @Animesh236 šŸ§‘ā€šŸ’¼ LinkedIn: @Animesh246

āš” Built with passion using Svelte! šŸ”„

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