shiny-svelte Svelte Themes

Shiny Svelte

✨🧡 Integrate R Shiny with a modern UI framework using Svelte and ViteJS.

Shiny Svelte

A project that integrates R Shiny with a modern UI framework using Svelte and ViteJS.

Table of Contents


This project combines the power of R Shiny for server-side computations with Svelte for creating modern, interactive front-end user interfaces. The development setup is powered by ViteJS for fast bundling and hot-module reloading.

Getting Started


Ensure you have the following installed:

  • Node.js (v18 or later recommended)
  • Yarn (v1.22.x)
  • R (v4.0 or later)


Clone the repository and install dependencies:

# Clone the repository
git clone

# Navigate into the project directory
cd shiny-svelte

# Install dependencies
yarn install



  • yarn dev Starts both the UI and Shiny server in development mode. This allows you to develop the front-end and back-end simultaneously with hot reloading.

  • yarn dev:ui Starts the Vite development server for the Svelte UI.

  • yarn dev:shiny Launches the Shiny server by running the global.R script.


  • yarn build:ui Builds the Svelte UI for production.

  • yarn preview Previews the production build locally.

Code Checks

  • yarn check:ui Runs static type checks for the Svelte components and TypeScript files.




Development Workflow

  1. Start the development servers:

    yarn dev

    This will start the UI and Shiny servers in parallel.

  2. Open the application in your browser:

  3. Make changes to the Svelte components or R scripts, and the application will reload automatically.

Building for Production

  1. Build the UI for production:

    yarn build:ui

    The production-ready files will be in the dist directory.

  2. Deploy the dist directory alongside your Shiny server for full integration.

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