Offline-First Todo App

A simple offline-first todo app made with Svelte 5 and Sqlite.

How it works?

On the server we use a sqlite database to store the todos, on the client we also use sql.js which is a version of sqlite compiled to WASM.

All the routes are prerendered and all the static files are cache and serve from a service worker when offline.

We also run a node server within the same app, I patched the @sveltejs/adapter-node so it can generate a fallback page that is used for dynamic routes.

  • While the user have connection (online) each time a todo is added, updated or deleted, we make a call to the backend to create/update/delete that todo, and also update the local database.

  • When the user have not connection (offline) we only write in the local database and also keep track of the added/updated/delete (currently in localStorage), after the user recover the connection we make a request to the backend with all the records that where affected while offline to synchronize with the backend.

  • Each time the page refresh if the user is online we get all the records from the backend and recreate the local database.

graph TD;
    subgraph Server
        DB[(SQLite Database)]
        NodeServer[Node.js Server]
        AdapterPatch[Svelte Adapter Node Patched]
        ServiceWorker[Service Worker]

    subgraph Client
        LocalDB[(sql.js WASM)]

    subgraph ConnectionStatus

    subgraph TodoActions
        AddTodo[Add Todo]
        UpdateTodo[Update Todo]
        DeleteTodo[Delete Todo]
        RefreshPage[Refresh Page]

    TodoActions -->|if Online| Online
    TodoActions -->|if Offline| Offline

    Online -->|Sync with backend| NodeServer --> DB
    Online -->|Update local DB| LocalDB
    Online -->|Sync offline changes| NodeServer
    Online -->|Sync offline changes| LocalDB
    Online -->|Refresh Page| NodeServer -->|Fetch all records| LocalDB

    Offline -->|Update local DB| LocalDB
    Offline -->|Track changes| localStorage

    NodeServer --> AdapterPatch
    AdapterPatch -->|Generate fallback page| NodeServer

    ServiceWorker -->|Cache static files| Client

    NodeServer -->|Communicate with Client| Client


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