Cookie banner for SvelteKit. Script is disabled until user presses Accept, if declines - no script (as expected).
STRONGLY recommend creating your own stylization for this.
Copy $lib/stores/consentStore.ts
into your own stores folder. This handles Local Storage file, this approach was due to my projects separating <svelte:head>
and $routes/+layout.svelte
. So if your project is similar, great! SvelteStores is the solution.
Copy the code from $routes/+layout.svelte
. You obviously don't need all of it, there's a lot of placeholder styles left over from something else. Expand below to see.
import { consentStore } from '$lib/stores/consentStore';
let showBanner = false;
$: showBanner = $consentStore === null;
function handleConsent(decision) {
The actual banner:
<div class="cookieContainer">
<div class="contentContainer">
<span class="cookieText">This website uses <a href="privacy-policy">analytics and cookies</a> to improve content delivery.</span>
<button class="cookieAccept" type="button" on:click={() => handleConsent('accepted')} on:keypress={(e) => e.key === 'Enter' && handleConsent('accepted')}>Accept</button>
<button class="cookieDecline" type="button" on:click={() => handleConsent('declined')} on:keypress={(e) => e.key === 'Enter' && handleConsent('declined')}>Decline</button>
The only parts really required for this, as you may want to change things is:
{#if showBanner}
on:click={() => handleConsent('accepted')} on:keypress={(e) => e.key === 'Enter' && handleConsent('accepted')}
on:click={() => handleConsent('declined')} on:keypress={(e) => e.key === 'Enter' && handleConsent('declined')}
That means you can add this to whichever object suits you.
Finally, you'll want to actually add the scripts and other logic you want which might conflict with GDPR/Privacy. For example GA/GT4.
All parts are required. First <script>
import { consentStore } from '$lib/stores/consentStore';
$: consented = $consentStore === 'accepted';
....Your other config..
{#if consented}
<script>whatever scripts you have here</scripts>
<script>and as many as you want</script>
And you're done!