Components Pack
UI components for Svelte 5, Vue 3, Astro 5 and vanilla JS
Works great with images provided by Strapi!
Useful for:
- :framed_picture: lazy loading and viewing photos (inspired by Medium)
- :world_map: loading Google Maps
- :wheelchair: Accessible for everyone
- :rocket: Works great with images generated by Strapi
- :package: Svelte 5, Vue 3 and Astro 5 components
- :page_facing_up: Typescript support
- :books: Nice documentation thanks to Starlight
- :art: plain CSS for styling, easy to customise
You can read the documentation here
Used By
Hotel websites:
Business portfolios:
Do you use this package? Open a PR to add your website to the list!
This project is open source and available under the ISC License.