MyStorage Svelte Themes


Very useful application for hosting and easy to manage your files in S3 buckets. You can upload, delete or search your files just using the interface application.


MyStorage - is a very useful application for hosting and easy to manage your files in S3 buckets. You can upload, delete or search your files just using the interface application.



  • Pnpm installed (npm i pnpm -g).
  • Node.js >= v16 (Not tested in older versions, but maybe it's work).
  • PostgreSQL database.
  • Any S3 hosting See free S3 list.


  • Clone this repository: git clone
  • Install Node.js requirements pnpm install.
  • Rename .env.example in apps/backend folder to .env.
  • Setup your .env file.
  • Build production code pnpm -r build.
  • Run builded code, just type pnpm start.
  • Open website - localhost:3005.


Main problem Some object storages support only temp links and don't provide a live link to files. I faced this problem when trying to connect StorJ storage and resolved this problem by just writing the file id to Redis and regenerating it when key time expires.

Unfortunate, it's terrible, I removed this feature with Redis and recommend you choose another object storage service.

CORS error: You can't download your uploaded file and see in the console CORS error. Some buckets require edit CORS privacy to direct download files

Fix for Scaleway Setup AWS CLI & cors.json:
  1. Create cors.json file with CORS rules on desktop.

  2. Install AWS CLI click.

  3. Setup your AWS-CLI: aws configure.

  4. Apply cors.json to your S3 bucket aws s3api put-bucket-cors --bucket=BUCKETNAME --cors-configuration=file://cors.json --endpoint-url=S3_BUCKET_URL


  "CORSRules": [
      "AllowedHeaders": ["*"],
      "AllowedMethods": ["GET", "HEAD", "POST", "PUT", "DELETE"],
      "AllowedOrigins": ["*"],
      "ExposeHeaders": ["Etag"],
      "MaxAgeSeconds": 3000


  1. Simple auth system, support multi accounts.
  2. Accont & display uploads manage panel.
  3. Upload, search and deleting files.
  4. Add, remove, edit tags for uploaded files.
  5. Change column type for uploaded files.
  6. ...other features will be added soon.


MyStorage has localization support. Actual list with available languages at this moment:

  • English
  • Ukrainian
  • Russian

Anyone can open a pull request and suggest new translating or fix already exists localizations.



This project opened for contribution and any suggestions! You can create a new Issue or make an Pull request with your code changes.


This code has MIT license. See the LICENSE file for getting more information.

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