A Template for your next Web Project

  • D - DaisyUi
  • U - Unocss
  • A - AstroJs
  • S - Svelte

Installation / Initialize / Setup

Initalize a DUAS Project with


bun create astro@latest -- --template Keshav-writes-code/DUAS-template#master

Stuff Included


  • Daisyui (latest)
  • Unocss (latest)
    • Default Unocss Stuff
    • Unocss Icones Preset (with Tabler Icones Set)
    • tailwind (latest) (used only to serve DaisyUi Classes)
  • Astro (latest)
  • Svelte (latest)

    Deplot to GH Pages

  • Change the value for base key in astro.config.mjs to basically Define a Sub Path that comes after https://<your_github_username>.github.io/... for gh pages hosting
  • example: astro.config.mjs ```js import { defineConfig } from "astro/config"; import UnoCSS from "unocss/astro"; import svelte from "@astrojs/svelte"; import tailwind from "@astrojs/tailwind";

export default defineConfig({ integrations: [UnoCSS({ injectReset: true, }), svelte(), tailwind()], site: "https://Keshav-writes-code.github.io", base: "new_project", });

- Path on GH Pages = `https://keshavWebDev-personal.github.io/new_project`
- when you do your First Push of a project created with this template (with the `base` and `site` params set) on Github, it will be automatically deployed to GH Pages with the above mentioned resulting URL  

## Installation & Setup in one Go

Copy Paste this in your Bash \ Zsh Terminal

**For** : `Linux : Debian / Ubuntu`
# Installs Git
sudo apt-get install git &&

# Installs Node
curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nvm-sh/nvm/v0.40.0/install.sh | bash &&
nvm install 22 &&

# Installs Bun
curl -fsSL https://bun.sh/install | bash &&

# Initialize a project with template in Current Directory
bun create astro@latest -- --template Keshav-writes-code/DUAS-template#master


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