Svelte5-Supabase-Starter Svelte Themes

Svelte5 Supabase Starter

Svelte 5 + Supabase Template, including simple OAuth login

Svelte5 + Supabase Starter

A minimal template for building Svelte5 applications with Supabase integration, including generic pages for /login and /account and OAuth login via Google or GitHub.

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  1. Create a project on Supabase
  2. Rename .env.example to .env and paste in your SUPABASE_URL and SUPABASE_ANON_KEY from the project
  3. Install dependencies:
npm install

OAuth Setup

This template includes OAuth support for Google and GitHub authentication.

General Setup Flow

Setting up OAuth involves two parts that work together:

  1. Configuring your OAuth provider (Google/GitHub)
  2. Configuring Supabase to use the provider

I recommend doing these side-by-side to make copy-pasting the credentials and callback URL easier.

Supabase Setup (Common for All Providers)

  1. In your Supabase Dashboard, go to Authentication -> Sign In / Up
  2. Scroll to Auth Providers and select your desired provider
  3. Copy the Callback URL provided by Supabase (you'll need this for your OAuth provider)
  4. Add your provider's credentials (Client ID, Client Secret, etc.)
  5. Enable the provider toggle at the top and save

Provider-Specific Setup

Google OAuth

  1. Create a project in the Google Cloud Console
  2. Complete the Project configuration (select External as audience)
  3. Create a new client of type Web application
  4. Add the Supabase callback URL to Authorized redirect URIs in your Google Cloud Console
  5. Copy your Google Client ID and Client Secret to use in Supabase

For more information check Googles documentation and the Supabase Login with Google guide

GitHub OAuth

  1. Register a new OAuth App in GitHub Settings -> Developer Settings -> OAuth Apps
  2. Insert your Homepage URL. You can use http://localhost:3000/ if you are just not hosting it. Device flow is not needed.
  3. Add the Supabase callback URL to the Authorization callback URL field
  4. After registration, note your Client ID and generate a Client Secret to use in Supabase

For more information check GitHubs documentation and the Supabase Login with GitHub guide

Other OAuth Providers

The process is similar for other providers Supabase supports:

  1. Create an OAuth application with the provider
  2. Configure redirect/callback URLs from Supabase
  3. Copy credentials to Supabase
  4. Enable the provider in Supabase

Check the Supabase Social Login documentation for additional information


Once you've completed the setup, you can start a development server:

npm run dev

or start the server and open the app in a new browser tab

npm run dev -- --open


To create a production version of your app:

npm run build

You can preview the production build with npm run preview.

To deploy your app, you may need to install an adapter for your target environment.



The easiest way to deploy this app is to use the Vercel Platform.

When deploying to Vercel, make sure to:

  1. Set the required environment variables (VITE_SUPABASE_URL and VITE_SUPABASE_ANON_KEY)
  2. Go to Supabase Authentication -> URL Configuration and use your deployment URL as Site URL (or at least add it as a Redirect URL)

Template Details

This template was created using npx sv create with the following options:

  • SvelteKit minimal template
  • TypeScript with TypeScript syntax
  • Add-ons: prettier, eslint, tailwindcss (with typography and forms plugins)
  • Package manager: npm

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