This project's goal is to create a platform where people can make bicycle reservations and specify meetup dates to ride bicycles in groups.
First of all, clone this repository
git clone
There are three things that need to be running in order to execute the whole application.
Postgres Database (Make sure you edit with the right credentials so that the backend can detect your database)
JDK 11 (An IDE like intellij or eclipse will do the work automatically for you)
# Windows
gradlew bootRun
# Linux
./gradlew bootRun
Node and npm
npm install
npm run dev
If you want to run the containers seperately then you can pull them independently like so
# Frontend
docker pull
# Backend
docker pull
# Don't forget to run a postgres container as well!!!
If you want to run the cluster at once, you can simply run this command
docker-compose -p ridealong up
This project's aim is to create a tool for cyclists to make their hobbies easier and more engaging. We noticed that in our local community, people were using the mobile application WhatsApp to schedule their meetups. This solution is acceptable in its own right, but we envisioned a better solution to help them avoid the many problems that they were facing. When using a regular group, there was a risk of not synchronizing in the time of meetings. This would lead to some people unable to join because the group has already departured. With our application, by using a postgres database, a springboot backend, and a svelte UI, we can organize the way people meet up and help them ensure that nobody is left behind. Furthermore, this application will enable the creation of many communities at once and make the process of joining them more open and available. This is a far better solution than creating dozens of WhatsApp groups. We also thought of people who don't have a bicycle to participate. Our application offers the possibility of renting bicycles from the community for the community. We really hope that you like our work, and a special thanks to our supervisor Mr. Mahmoud Hamlaoui. Made with 💖 by some ensias students