ShoutAI Svelte Themes


This was a project done for a grad-level Web Programming & Engineering class. It is an automatedmaze game that allows users to try multiple levels of maze difficulty, saves their scores in a database, a viewable leaderboard, it also features voice-based input using TensorflowJS. Thanks to Travis Nevins and Wei Zhang for their contributions!

Shout AI!

Problem statement

A game where you write or shout at your computer to command your AI minion to perform a task and get the best score.

How do you solve the problem?

We use tensorflowjs combined with speach and handwriting recongztion models. Svelte as our frontend technology along with tailwind/bootstrap css, phaser 2d/pixiJS. Along with using firebase tools.

List of all the features that your team will implement. Your team will be held accountable for the features you list!

  • speach recongization
  • hand writing recongization
  • AI movement
  • frontend UI
  • leader board

What data will your prototype be using and collecting

  • voice data
  • User timing
  • user play data
  • google analytics

    Any algorithms or special techniques that will be necessary

  • TensorflowJS
  • Deep learning algorithms for speach and writing recongization


Initial designs:

credit to: Wei Zhang

credit to: Emmet Hayes


- firebase/google cloud
- svelte, tensorflowjs, PixiJS/phaser 2D
- backend: either  flask/fastapi (py) ktor(kotlin) pocketbase (go) 
- database: surrealDB/MYsql/firestore
logo like
for fun font
* bit game like,Display,Monospace

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